Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Salon - January in Review

It only seems like the beginning of January was only yesterday and I was so full of reading plans for the month.

And you can probably guess that it went in the crapper.

I don't know where it wrong, but I think it had something to do with a certain hockey team I follow not play so well and me try to avoid watching them live for the most part.  I did watch them live two games (and yes they actually won both) during the course of the month, but other than those two games there wasn't too much to cheer for in regards to the team.  And that affected my reading.  There were other factors that affected my reading as well last month, including the fact that I really wanted to spend the majority of my birthday reading, but it never came to fruition. And I was a bit disappointed with what went down.

But I did manage to get back into the groove this past week and managed to hit on most of the books that I am reading and start to feel like I can get back into the reading groove once again.  While I was gone for the majority of this past weekend, I was able to get a couple of my classics read, even if it wasn't as much as I had hoped to, just due to the fact that for the majority of the time I was busy (there was free time and I did read during those times).  I did have a good weekend and am feeling a bit more relaxed than when I left for the weekend.

And once I deal with a few personal issues in the coming days, I probably should have no issue continuing on with my reading; it also helps that the Olympics start on Thursday, so that will mean a lot of late night reading sessions being aided by Olympic coverage.  And thanks to the CBC, it will all be live...

That being said and with the Superbowl being over and me feeling a little tired (I didn't sleep well last night), I think I am going to turn off the TV and unpack my things and get ready for the day.  I think I need some quiet for a change.

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