Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday Salon - A good reading week

This was a good reading week.  While last week was also a good reading week, this was also a good reading week, as I managed to finish two books within 24 hours of each other.  I haven't written the reviews of the two books, but I am hoping to get them up later today.

It was also a good week for my reading because I was thinking about what else I wanted to read and yearning to read the books that I have on hand was strong.  And I think that my reading slump is over, at least for the time being.  And it was just a good week in general, as I was able to get myself into more of a normal routine and I am hoping that I can establish more of a normal routine in the coming weeks (seems that I am becoming more and more a creature of habit).  Maybe it was the fact that there are signs of spring coming (while trees aren't budding yet, there are signs that trees are about to come out with the slightly warmer weather and the fact that I have seen tree pollen things coming out and the grass seeming less mossy).

I am hoping that you all have a relaxing Sunday, however you may spend it.

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