Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Salon - March in review

March was kinda of a bust, especially the last couple of weeks.  I really don't know what happened, but it probably had something to do with the fact that the e-reader that my parents got for me for Christmas decided not to download the latest update and had to get a different e-reader.  But it also sort of coincided with the fact that I got a bit depressed/anxious/whatever and therefore I haven't really bothered to read.  I suppose part of it is that I got a bit discouraged with Bleak House, which I have gotten a bit behind, but which I am still enjoying.  I just can't seem to get myself to read the book and seem to be more interested in watching TV rather than reading.  I guess I am just going through a cycle and it will work itself out again and I will get back into reading once again.

I think it also has to do with the fact that I haven't really been at work much since the middle of February and I am feeling a bit out of water not in my regular routine.  Between my trip to Phoenix, a walk-out by teachers (they are declared an essential service for some strange reason by the provincial government [they shouldn't really be deemed to be essential, as its not a matter of being able to live or not, but I digress] and therefore can't legally go out on strike; their contract expired last June and have withdrawn services that were deemed not to be essential by the Labour Relations Board) after I got back from my vacation, 2 weeks off for Spring Break, a full week at work, and then going early for Easter to visit family has made my head spin a bit.  And therefore I haven't read a lot this past month, even though the number of books that i completed was quite good and has me considering adding to my Goodreads goal for this year.

Books reviewed:
1.  Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman (review)
2. The Great Gatsby (review)
3. Madame Tussuad (review)
4. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (review)
5. Sarah's Key (review)
6. Macbeth (review)
7. Death Comes to Pemberley (review)
8. The Hunger Games (review)

Part of the issue is that for some strange reason I have gone a library borrowing binge and have more books than I could possibly read within the time frame.  I have also been craving buying books again, even though I know that I will just let them collect dust. 

Hope you have a good week and hope to talk to you later.

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